Hair Loss Heros – Products Explained

We won't pretend to be experts on hair loss but it is something we see come through the salon quite often. It is a top concern in the salon and we completely understand why. Hair loss can be devastating. There is a really great article about hair loss HERE. Now, typically when our guests are…

Myth Busters – Dry hair edition

If we were to guess how many people struggle with dry hair it would be over 85%. One of the most common concerns in our shop is the integrity of the hair. How do you know id your hair is dry? It will be limo, feel like straw, it may tangle and it dries super…

What We Define As Self Care

Photo by Joel Mott via Unsplash We are pretty big advocates of self care + good hair around here. So, we asked our team what they do for self care. Here's what they said: Ali - "I like to read and bake." She describes self care as "doing something you enjoy without there being…

Listening To Our Bodies

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash We have heard it all before - our body tells a story. The simplest being our physical body. It can tell us we are in pain, pleasure or hungry. Its incredible really that it sends messages to our conscious to take action. When it comes to our inner wellbeing,…

Dodgin the curve balls with Chantel

Hey! How is it going? If we haven't met before, I am the Owner, Creative and Educational Director of Chantel Funk + Co. The shop was created in 2012 as an extension of me. It has been a wild ride. In addition to the shop I am married to the love of my life (he…

Soul Comfort

Nothing says January more than comfort. It's restoration season and while new "health goals" are at their highest point, so can be depression. As a society we are conditioned to believe this is the time of year we are meant to be productive. Achieve big goals and shooting high. Historically this is a season of…

Recovering From Burnout

Photo by Poonam Dhiman on Unsplash A feeling of burnout is common following a hectic season of life. If you are like me, I go through a time of being a recluse following the summer and September season. The darker mornings make me want to snuggle into my bed later. I find myself in bed earlier at night…

Choose your own HAIRVENTURE

Photo by @benoumechiara on Unsplash If you were born after the year 2000 you may not know about the epic books Choose Your Own Adventure. A children's game book where the reader got to decide what happened next. They were fun! This fall if you are looking to find a new look we recommend taking…

Time Management

Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash Time is a funny thing. We often feel we don't have enough of it and yet we don't acknowledge its value and where we spend it. Time can feel like it goes so slowly and it can feel like a race car zipping by. As we head into a…

Our Aim As A Safer Space

Photo by Tristan B. on Unsplash Hey community! In honour of pride month we are taking the opportunity to share some of our core values with you. As a group of individuals who live and work in the community and surrounding area we see and feel the great importance of change in our community to…