Listening To Our Bodies

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash We have heard it all before - our body tells a story. The simplest being our physical body. It can tell us we are in pain, pleasure or hungry. Its incredible really that it sends messages to our conscious to take action. When it comes to our inner wellbeing,…

Dodgin the curve balls with Chantel

Hey! How is it going? If we haven't met before, I am the Owner, Creative and Educational Director of Chantel Funk + Co. The shop was created in 2012 as an extension of me. It has been a wild ride. In addition to the shop I am married to the love of my life (he…

Soul Comfort

Nothing says January more than comfort. It's restoration season and while new "health goals" are at their highest point, so can be depression. As a society we are conditioned to believe this is the time of year we are meant to be productive. Achieve big goals and shooting high. Historically this is a season of…

Recovering From Burnout

Photo by Poonam Dhiman on Unsplash A feeling of burnout is common following a hectic season of life. If you are like me, I go through a time of being a recluse following the summer and September season. The darker mornings make me want to snuggle into my bed later. I find myself in bed earlier at night…

Homemade Pasta!

Being a foodie brings inspiration and breathes life into me! I enjoy both cooking and eating. What is the point of life if not to enjoy such a simple pleasure as food? Today I thought I would share a little more in depth with you about my journey with pasta making, what I love, what…

Inner Peace – What is it and why explore it?

Photo by Andrea Rico on Unsplash In a world where everyone has something to say, I have chosen to take a pause. A season to observe, meditate and contemplate instead of writing. Today I write in hope that sharing my experiences will inspire and encourage you to enjoy your life. This post is my own point of view,…

Life Is Worth Fighting For

It has become increasingly common amongst the people we pass in our day to day are experiencing depression and anxiety. It is something I have dealt with in my life and I think it is important to talk about. Not one person should have to face life alone. The stigma around mental health is devastating…

3 Fun Things Anywhere, Anytime

Image Via Pinterest Times are bonkers here in Abbotsford. That is not news if you live here. But it can also be hard to escape the constant stress and fatigue. There is nothing more healing than a bit of fun and a good laugh. As someone who often likes to be away from the city…

Why Shop Small Business?

We thought it might be a good idea to share some reason why it is IMPORTANT to shop small businesses. Today we offer you 5 reasons: CHARACTER - When you think about the richness of our community and what it has to offer it comes down to the personality as a collective whole. These unique…